Ivy League Schools Commemorate 125th Anniversary of 1st College Golf Tournament

When we talk about college sports that you would see in any sportsbook pay per head website, golf would be the furthest thing on your mind. Football comes first, then college basketball, of course. We’ll see volleyball and other sports get some occasional action, but golf? Really? Apparently, this is quite popular with the golfing community. And in the latest in college golf news, we will be seeing Ivy League Schools commemorate the 125th Anniversary of the first ever college golf tournament.

The 125th anniversary of intercollegiate golf will not be celebrated with, of course, a golf tournament. But first, let’s go back to 1896. The first ever college golf event was a “holes-won” match between Yale and Columbia golf teams. This was in New York, back in November 6, 1896. Colin Sheehan, Yale’s Men’s golf coach, is a golf historian, and knew that they needed to celebrate this event.

College Golf Tournament

Ivy League Schools Commemorate 125th Anniversary of 1st College Golf TournamentSo, Sheehan talked to Rich Mueller, Columbia’s Director of Golf, to hold an event to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the first ever college golf match. And you can make money on betting on this celebration, thanks to your pay per head services provider. College Golf will be making its way to sportsbooks as the Saint Andrew’s Club in New York, the oldest private golf club in the country, will host an event.

This event is a seven-on-seven match between the Yale and Columbia golf teams. In the first match back in 1896, Yale beat Columbia 35-0. Will Yale repeat this win in the same “holes-won” format that they will reuse now in 2021? Its impossible given the schedules of the students to celebrate the event on its actual date of Nov 6, so the event will be on October 22 instead. Given that they will be playing the event the same way that was done back in 1896, it will be exciting for the players, viewers, and those who will be betting against the century-old rematch game between Yale and Columbia.